Re-trigger a Backbone.js Route

Routes are an easy way to link URLs to execute specific Javascript code. This could be useful, for example, for defining specific tasks for your app:

In the above example, you could have the route show-so-details map to a specific javascript function in your code that would show more details of sales order #SO-12345:

var router = Backbone.Router.extend({
  routes: {
    "help":                       "help",           // #help
    "dosomething/:withparameter": "dosomething",    // #dosomething/someparameter
    "dosomething/:withparameter(/:withoptionalparameter)": "dosomething"   // #dosomething/someparameter/someoptionalparameter
    "show-so-details/:sonumber": "handlesodetail",  // #show-so-details/SO-12345
  help: function () {
  dosomething: function (withparameter, withoptionalparameter) {
    console.log(withparameter, withoptionalparameter);
  handlesodetail: function (sonumber) {
    // Handle SO detail

var someRouter = new router();

In the above example, the route will be handled by the handlesodetail function. Now, if there’s a reason you need to “re-trigger” the above URL, you’ll have to use the following:

var resetRouter = function () {
  var hash = window.location.hash;
  var someRouter = new router();
  window.location.hash = hash;

The resetRouter function will “reset” your Backbone router and allow you to execute the show-so-details route again. To implement, simply call the resetRouter function at the end of your handler:

handlesodetail: function (sonumber) {
  // Handle SO detail code goes here