How to Configure AnyTerm Web-based SSH on Ubuntu

Anyterm provides a web-based SSH interface that would allow you to, for example, access your internal system using SSH via a web page. Configuration is straightforward, but will require compiling the Anyterm source. In order to download the source, you’ll need Subversion. Download Anyterm ( into a directory called anyterm …

How to Run SQL Against Every Database on a Microsoft SQL Server

Use the sp_msforeachdb stored procedure. In the following example, I needed to find out if there were any objects that were referencing a specific linked server: DECLARE @command varchar(1000) SELECT @command = ‘USE ? SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id) [?] FROM sys.sql_modules WHERE definition LIKE ”%LINKEDSERVERNAME%”’ EXEC sp_msforeachdb @command In my case above, …

Enable Active Directory Authentication for GitLab

If you’re having trouble, here are some tips: Query all the users by using the following command: dsquery user -limit 1000 > users.txt Find the bind_dn user from this list and copy and paste the entire line. It will be a format similar to: ‘CN=Name\, Display,OU=Some Organizational Unit,OU=Another Organizational Unit,DC=domain,DC=com’ …

Bitnami Gitorious Appliance Login Issues

Did you download Bitnami’s Gitorious Appliance? Did you convert it to VMware’s OVF format and add it to your infrastructure? Great! However, if you run into an issue where you can’t login using Bitnami’s default username and password (user/bitnami), you’ll need to make sure of a few things: For reference, …

Javascript Workers: An Ajax Example With Callback

I was browsing the Internet one day looking for a conference I could possibly attend regarding web technologies. I came across a certain conference that caught my eye which talked about Javascript workers. To be honest, I’ve never used workers or had any experience with multi-threaded web programming, but, after …