Windows Grep Equivalent
I needed to find a specific IP address from the output of the netstat command. Turns out, there’s a Windows’ grep equivalent called findstr: netstat -aon | findstr /R /C:”″ See
I needed to find a specific IP address from the output of the netstat command. Turns out, there’s a Windows’ grep equivalent called findstr: netstat -aon | findstr /R /C:”″ See
Ever needed the logon time for users in your Active Directory domain? Use the following command: For /F “Skip=1 Tokens=3” %I in (‘Dsquery * domainroot -filter “(&(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=User)(samaccountname=))” -attr name lastLogon’) Do @w32tm /ntte %I The above command runs the Dsquery command and pipes the output to the w32tm command to …
If you need to access a Microsoft CRM 2011 report via a URL, you’ll need to do the following: Publish the report for external use: Go to your SSRS Report Manager (https://<server_name>/Reports). Navigate to your published report. Click on the drop down and select Manage: Click on Parameters. Here you …
There are instructions out there that say to just use Web Platform Installer (Web PI) from IIS Manager to install WordPress. The problem with this is that it will install an instance of SQL Server Express on the web server. If you’re OK with that, then by all means, use …
In the below sample code, the report will actually be generated in two formats: Excel and PDF. These would then be attached to an e-mail specified at the workflow level. Make sure to visit Creating a Custom Workflow Activity in MS CRM 2011! In this second article in a three …
This bit of code will allow you to specify Team members as e-mail recipients in a workflow in Microsoft CRM 2011. Make sure to visit Creating a Custom Workflow Activity in MS CRM 2011 to understand how to create custom workflow activities! This bit of code will allow you to …
UPDATE 10-23-2013: Added a link on how to attach an SSRS report to an e-mail! UPDATE 10-03-2013: Added a link on how to send an e-mail to a team! Want to create a custom workflow activity in MS CRM 2011? Just follow Microsoft’s guide here. As an FYI, here are …
So, yea, I followed these instructions for moving your Windows 7 folder to a different location, in my case, a different physical disk. Many people ask why you would do this, here are my reasons: My boot drive is a 240MB SSD. If I can save space on this drive, …
Here’s an awesome blog post on how to declare literal objects and object arrays in C#. My example involved calling a method within my C# custom workflow activity class: protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext executionContext) { . . . dynamic[] sendFields = { new { type = "TO", teamMembers = GetTeamMembers(service, …
Add the following code within a web resource: function setPriceList() { //Create an array to set as the DataValue for the lookup control. var lookupData = new Array(); //Create an Object add to the array. var lookupItem= new Object(); //Set the id, typename, and name properties to the object. …