How to Configure AnyTerm Web-based SSH on Ubuntu

Anyterm provides a web-based SSH interface that would allow you to, for example, access your internal system using SSH via a web page. Configuration is straightforward, but will require compiling the Anyterm source. In order to download the source, you’ll need Subversion. Download Anyterm ( into a directory called anyterm …

PHP “Executing SQL directly; no cursor” Error When Executing a Stored Procedure?

Are you getting the following error in PHP from the PHP SQLSRV driver? Executing SQL directly; no cursor This apparently is just a warning, so before you connect to your server, issue this command: sqlsrv_configure(“WarningsReturnAsErrors”, 0); Oh, and guess what? sqlsrv_num_rows() worked for me to boot! Weird. See

Issues With Remote Debugging Using XDebug on IIS? (Updated)

UPDATE 11-13-2013: If you want to trigger the debugger on your IDE from another application other than a browser, you can use an application such as Fiddler and then add the following header to your request. If you already have a cookie, just append the below string with a semi-colon …